With catchy pop beats “Crash” is a rollercoaster of emotions, making it a one to watch from the local pop scene. 

— Rolling Stone Australia

“Parker’s voice is gymnastic in its flexibility and has pure pop along with camp appeal.”

— NZ Musician

“Jason Parker is an effervescent musical beam of light whose pop-perfect vocals, beautifully written/produced songs and electric performances are why he's charted on the Official NZ Hot Singles Charts”

— ZM Online

“From reality show contestant to Popstar”

— TVNZ 1News

This Is My Year


Best music video

-NZ Youth Film Festival

“Gifted with an incredible voice, the charismatic artist has a knack for an irresistible pop melody”

-The May Magazine

“You can just see the big smile across Jason's face while he is singing hook after catchy hook.”


“Popstar in the making”
